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The EsiObjects Architecture
Easy CHCS: Goals
Reuse all tools and CHCS data object wrappers developed as a part of the CIOOT project.
Reuse and connect the ICDB Web front-end to the CHCS data object wrappers.
Demonstrate and get approval to proceed.
Convert ICDB Web component to Java for compatibility with DOD-VA Data Sharing prototype.
Expand functionality to include Appointment Scheduling.
The Easy CHCS project was built on work done in previous projects. ESI created and demonstrated the CHCS object wrappers as a part of the CIOOT project. The original web component of Easy CHCS was done by the ICDB development group. Under a contract to the Navy, ESI disconnected the web front-end from the existing Oracle database and connected it to the CHCS object layer. Eventually, the system was redesigned to implement a true 3 tier architecture based on Java and JSP, putting it in a position to be integrated with the CORBA based enterprise edition.